Hello there, my name is

Matthew Vogee

I'm a front-end developer

I make the web work. Simple, elegant, and accessible.

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About me

I am a web developer driven by the desire to learn and improve my skills. My journey started, like many developers, when I was young with an obsession for video games and digital art. I studied graphic design in college and, after I graduated, got the opportunity to move to the Bay Area to study computer science at 42. At 42, I got the authentic silicon valley experience, coding away in the computer lab day after day, attending hackathons, and developing my skills as a software developer. Since then, I have continued to hone my craft and explore the vast field of web development. I have worked in multiple industries in pursuit of learning new skills and obtaining new perspectives on work and life. Outside of work, I am a husband, avid golfer, snowboarder, and star wars fan.


Budget Tool

I created the budget tool to simplify the management of my budget. I got tired of playing with spreadsheets and decided to create something quick and easy to use. The budget tool features visual charts for insights and progress, category creation, income calculation, and income and spending tracking.

React, Node, Express, MySql

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Budget tool screenshot

Electrical Materials Scraper

I created this project to use in conjunction with my employer's business software in its job bidding functionality. The idea originated when I saw that we manually updated product pricing on every job bid. I came to the team with the idea to build a scraper to continually update the product pricing by scraping the products from the websites and connecting that information to our database. The front-end is a tool I created to show off the project's capabilities and search the database.

React, Node, Express, MongoDB

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Budget tool screenshot

Password Generator

The Password Generator is a project I built to generate random secure passwords. Options allow the user to include or exclude numbers, uppercase letters, and special characters. It is run strictly on the client side using a simple random string generator.

**The project is hosted on Heroku, so it may take some time to spin up when viewing the project.

React, Typescript, CSS

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Password generator screenshot
My resume

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